What is Easi's SOC?

What is Easi's SOC?

Security framework and defence strategy


A SOC, or Security Operations Center, is a center composed of people (security experts) and tools whose objective is to manage security incidents for companies. When security events or incidents occur, these experts are able to take the appropriate decisions and actions to remediate these incidents and protect the company. A SOC gives an organization the visibility needed to react quickly to problems. We know that when security incidents occur, they are often not detected in time. Sometimes a company will only detect an incident after a few months. This leaves enough time for a malicious person to act and take hold. A SOC allows you to react quickly and limit the risk of data leakage or other risks to your business. A SOC operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and constantly monitors the IT environment. It is always aware of what is going on. An SOC generates a large amount of data that will have to be managed and processed. A company must also be able to know which data should be processed first, but also which data is not relevant. Get to know Easi's SOC by watching this video: https://youtu.be/mtD4DiGZvIo

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