Cheers to chaos: ransomware, hacktivisme, and a cold beer in hand.

Cheers to chaos: ransomware, hacktivisme, and a cold beer in hand.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Theatre 6
May 29
Resilience & RecoveryCybersecurity strategyData Protection & Privacy


Belgium has seen an increase in different forms of cyber aggression's. As noticeable in recent ransomware attacks targeting a Belgian brewery, coffee producer, and others have put Belgium on high alert. With Belgians' love for beer, the severity of these attacks is particularly alarming!

But there's more to the story. Let's delve into how law enforcement is tackling these challenges and the rise of hacktivism, where hacking meets activism. Hacktivism blurs the lines between noble activism and malicious cyber exploits, creating complex threats that need urgent attention.

Join us to understand the dual role of technology, both as a tool for progress and a weapon for threat. Gain valuable insights into navigating these evolving dangers and strengthening your organizational defenses. Don't miss this chance to stay ahead in the battle against cybercrime

Theater session


IT governance strategyRisk governanceSecurity framework and defence strategy

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