


6cure, a French editor, is specialized in information systems security. The experts of the firm are renowned for their R&D activities, especially in systems for detecting and neutralizing cyber-attacks.

6cure provides solutions to protect against DDoS attacks and ensure DNS security. These solutions have received France CYBERSECURITY and ECSO accreditations. They are designed to meet the needs of Internet players for their requirements or to offer a value-added service to the customers of these latest.

6cure also offers a DDoS audit and testing service.

Our team is supporting you on your projects, from the design of secure architectures to the build of customized service offerings. We provide skills training for your staff, and our incident response hub is assisting you if you're suffering crisis.

Products and Services

6cure Threat Protection® : Real-time identifying and filtering complex DDoS attacks up to the application level, while preserving legitimate traffic. It natively integrates into an on-premise, cloud or hybrid architecture.

6cure DNS Protection® All-in-one DNS security solution which ensures availability and quality of service, provides a whole visibility of the threat to operational teams and delivers value-added services.

DDoS Assessment : Our test platform can be used to assess the resilience of network infrastructures and services to the DDoS threat.


Remote work securitySoftware / Infrastructure / Platform as a Service securityTelecom and internet
Hybrid IT ProtectionResilience & Recovery


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